Job application for Kutepa Job application for Kutepa Job application You must fill in the fields marked with an asterisk (*). You may tick more than one box if necessary. First name * Surname * Date of birth * Email * Place of residence * Phone number * I apply for the position of Industrial SupervisorHeavy Equipment MechanicAluminium/stainless steel welderSheet Metal Welder When can you begin work? Right awayAfter 1 to 2 weeksAfter a monthLater If you answered “Later”, please write below when you can begin work: Education Comprehensive schoolVocational schoolTechnical university or universityOther If you answered “Other”, please describe your education below: Work experience NoneLess than a year1 to 3 yearsMore than 3 years Current employment status EmployedStudentUnemployedOther If you answered “Other”, please describe your current employment status below: Further information You may describe you professional expertise in more detail or give further information about yourself below. Appendices We will contact you for more information if necessary. You may attach your CV or application letter. (The maximum size of the file is 2 MB. The following file formats are allowed: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, rtf, txt.)) CV (Valitse tiedosto.) Select a file. (Ei valittua tiedostoa.) No file selected. Application letter (Valitse tiedosto.) Select a file. (Ei valittua tiedostoa.) No file selected. We may use a third-party service provider to support our recruitment process. The information you have provided in your application may be transferred to our recruitment service provider.* YesNo Read Kutepa’s privacy statement for job applicants »