Tyre Retreading

Retreading and Repair of Work Machine Tires – An Environmentally Friendly Solution

Kutepa Rubber Service Oy retreads and repairs all work machine tires for industrial use, mining, earthmoving, forestry machines, and tractors.
We retread solid, resilient, and pneumatic tires – everything from small forklift tires to large earthmoving tires.

Examples of Applications

Kutepa Rubber Service Oy retreads and repairs all work machine tires for industrial use, mining, earthmoving, forestry machines, and tractors. We can retread solid, resilient, and pneumatic tires. Solid tires are retreaded with their rims and, depending on the application, can be retreaded up to ten times. Pneumatic tires are always retreaded without the rim.

Our retreading and repair methods preserve the tire’s original load and speed rating. We also offer non-marking surfaces for the most common sizes. The maximum tire diameter for retreading and repair is four meters. In cost-effective hot vulcanization repair, all repairs, rubber reinforcements, and reinforcements are vulcanized simultaneously.

We repair and retread tires in batches ranging from single units to large series. We also have tires available in stock with casings.

Work Machine Tire Repairs

We primarily repair tires using hot vulcanization in an autoclave.

  • Maximum tire diameter: 4000 mm
  • During the hot vulcanization process, all repairs, rubber reinforcements, and structural reinforcements are vulcanized at the same time.
  • Patch vulcanization repairs (Tenori repairs) are also available if necessary.

High-quality tire casings can be retreaded multiple times.
During the retreading process, all damages to the tire are repaired, restoring it to its original classification. A retreaded tire offers durability comparable to a new tire but with significantly lower material consumption.

Retreading can be done on the customer’s casing, regardless of brand or model, or alternatively, the tire can be purchased pre-retreaded with various tread patterns..

Save Money with Retreading

A retreaded tire has durability comparable to a new tire, but the retreading process consumes less than half of the energy and natural resources required to manufacture a new tire.

• Price comparisons are made against high-quality tire brands.

• Retreading a tire instead of buying a new one reduces CO₂ emissions by approximately 40 %.

• Retreading a tire twice reduces emissions by about 50% compared to a new tire.

• A retreaded tire costs about half of the price of a comparable new tire.

Cold and Hot Vulcanization

Our versatile equipment enables both cold and hot vulcanization.
Hot vulcanization is performed in autoclaves, with the largest of our six autoclaves having a diameter of four meters, allowing for the vulcanization of even large components.

• During hot vulcanization repair, all repairs, rubber reinforcements, and structural reinforcements are vulcanized simultaneously.

• Maximum tire diameter for retreading and repair: 4 meters


Experience and Expertise: We have been in the industry for nearly twenty years, providing professional retreading in collaboration with our material suppliers.

One-Stop-Services: We can design, manufacture, and install all the solutions we offer as a one-stop service, providing our customers with convenience and reliability from start to finish.

Customized Solutions: Every customer and project is unique to us. We offer tailored solutions that meet our customers’ specific needs.


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