En föregångare inom materialhanterings- och lagringssystem


Publicerad 05.04.2017

Greetings from Kutepa 5.4.2017

Kutepa Sweden AB
Kutepa has acquired the fleet and files of the SFM Mining AB. In addition, some of the personnel of SFM Mining AB
have started to work for us. The personnel have about 20 years of experience in the industrial installations and service
in Sweden and Finland. Kutepa and SFM Mining AB have previously cooperated for approximately 5 years. Our office
is located at Företagsvägen 3 in Haparanda, Sweden.

Major installation sites for SFM Mining AB include:

  1. Aitik in 2009. The installation of the largest mill lines in the world.
    The work lasted for 8 months and employed 40 persons.
  2. Kaunisvaara in 2012. Installation of 5300 tons of steel structures, rubbles, mills and side equipment of a concentrating
    plant, including project planning.
    The work lasted for 9 months and employed over 100 persons at the most.
  3. And many small projects.

In cooperation with the group companies, we can offer:

Kuortaneen Teollisuuspalvelu Oy

  • Tanks (FE, Stainless steel and Aluminium)
  • Conveyors for powdery materials (screw-, belt-, drag chain- and bucket conveyors)
  • Steel- and Plate structures EN 1090 exc 4 (FE, Stainless steel and Aluminium)
  • SITE transport equipment

Kutepa Rubber Service Oy

  • Cold and hot vulcanization rubber linings
  • Internal rubber linings for pipelines
  • Ceramic linings

Kutepa Industrial Service Oy / Kutepa Sweden AB

  • Industrial installations and servicing
    • Machine and equipment installations
    • Steel structure installations
    • Pipelines

Kutepa Group’s revenue in 2016 was about 11 million Euros and the number of personnel 65.
The company has production facilities in Kuortane, Finland for approximately 6000 m2.
Our customers operate in mining, steel etc. industry in Finland and in Sweden.

Kuortaneen Teollisuuspalvelu Oy, Sales:
Jari Isoaho +358 (0) 50 501 4740 Conveyor systems and Tretek equipment
Juha Kattelus +358 (0) 40 766 2424 Workshop manufactured silos, tanks etc. steel structures
Markku Takala +358 (0) 40 821 2811 Production Manager

SITE transport equipment, Sales:
Ville Ala-Salmi + 358 (0) 50 301 8425 Sales
Markus Laikola +358 40 767 6171 Sales
Tommi Turigin +358 (0) 40 091 6633 Management and service sales

Kutepa Rubber Service, Sales:
Harri Alaviitala +358 (0) 40 766 2410
Kutepa Industrial Service Oy, Sales:
Janne Pouhula +358 (0) 400 667 665
Sami Hietaniemi +358 (0) 40 767 5772 (Tampere office)

Kutepa Sweden AB Sales:
Börje Fält +46 (0) 70 313 05 07 (Haparanda office)
Simon Ripa +46 (0) 70 361 35 38 (Haparanda office)
More information: Juha Kattelus +358 (0) 40 766 2424 / juha.kattelus@kutepa.fi